Canara Robeco Equity Hybrid Fund
Featured Product
Presenting another exciting Investment option as a part of our #FeatureFriday Series: Equity Hybrid Fund by Canara Robeco
A systematic asset allocation strategy that helps you generate better risk-adjusted returns which invest at least 10% of the fund’s portfolio across asset classes. The low correlation among different assets can enable the fund to protect the downside risk during uncertain economic conditions and volatile markets and generate better risk-adjusted returns.
Intelligent Investor Notes
- Better risk-adjusted returns investing in equity, debt & gold
- Low correlation among asset classes to protect downside risk
- Considerable option for better returns with lower volatility
Not sure if this product is for you? Here’s a quick checklist.
- You want to diversify across asset classes with a limited set of funds
- Generate wealth in the long term and reduce risk exposure
- Aim for capital appreciation over 3–5 years
Disclaimer: Views expressed are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any Financial Advice whatsoever. Please consult a financial advisor and read offer documents carefully before investing.